FREE Planet Protector’s Educational Classroom Material

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planet protectors classroom kit

Although the complete kits are no longer available you can still request up to 30 copies of various Planet Protector’s handouts and booksThese EPA lessons and activities are geared for grades K-3 and 4-5 (FILL out the FORM here!). The following books are still available to request:

Create Less Waste in the First Place (K-3 Activity Book)

Follow That Trail (K-3 Activity Book)

Calendar of Activities Student Handout (K-3)

Case of the Broken Loop (Grades 4-5 activity book)

Planet Protectors Club Certificate

Planet Protectors Club Badge

Trash and Climate Change (Grades 4-5 Activity Book)

You can also find more online games and activities from the Planet Protector’s Club here!

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  1. Kathleen Frendahl says:


  2. please send me some of the free planeT protectors education items

  3. Rhonda Martinez says:

    I would please like the resources for 5th grade – case of the broken loop and trash and climate change. Thank you. I would like 30 copies please.

  4. ishaq abdullahi says:

    Grades Activity books

  5. Belinda Cummings says:

    4-5 case of the broken loop 30 copies
    4-5 Trash and Climate change. 30 copies

  6. Look forward to k/3 activities…thank you

  7. Cheryl Swanson says:

    these look like wonderful ideas

  8. Evelyn Davis says:

    I would like to get what I can. I work for a community services organization, where we help fund childcare. I go out and train caregivers and teachers and work with the children.

  9. Leah pitre says:

    Trash and climate change (4-5) 30 activity books

  10. Create Less Waste in the First Place (K-3 Activity Book)-10 please
    Trash and climate change (grade 4-5 activity book) – 10 please

  11. Angela Sullivan says:

    I’m a kindergarten teacher and these would be great for my students!!
    Please send my free copies for my class!!! I would like all of them
    For k!! Thank you so much for sharing!!!!

  12. Debbie Hernandez says:

    Would love to receive a set of each from k-4th. Thanks for sharing!

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