Shark Week Recipe: Marshmallow Sharks

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Shark Week Recipe Marshmallow Treats

Shark Week is JUST AHEAD!! It’s a highlight for my boys in June every year and since we just had a pirate birthday party for one of my kids this whole month of pirates and sharks just makes the summer that much better! PLUS we found a museum in Omaha that has an exhibit this summer featuring 500 year old pirate treasure from shipwrecks that we are going to this week to top it all off!

Shark Week Recipe Marshmallow Treats for KIds

Anyway so I made these Shark Marshmallow treats for the boys and even though they look a little weird and quirky my kids could at least immediately recognize that they were sharks and got excited about them anyway! (It’s the little things right?) So it might be a Pinterest fail but it made my kids happy! Come on – they aren’t THAT terrible right? Chances are some of you are much better at creating fancy marshmallow treats than I am! If you want to try to make these sharks you’ll need:

Blue Candy Melt
Cookie Sticks
Black Writing Icing or Edible Pen
Candy Eyes
Blue Craft Foam

Shark Week Recipe Marshmallow Treats for KIds

Add a marshmallow onto a cookie stick. Then melt your blue candy melt and roll around 3/4 of the marshmallow and onto the top as you see in my lovely photo above leaving the white “belly” of the shark visible.

While the blue candy melt is still warm press on a candy eye onto each side. If this treat is for older kids who won’t accidentally eat the craft foam you can press a fin shape onto the blue candy melt and let it harden there. But if you’re making it for younger kids who eat anything they see than tape that blue foam fin directly onto the cookie stick so it isn’t mistaken as food!

Shark Week Recipe Marshmallow Treats for Kids

Lastly use your black edible pen or writing icing to draw on a set of shark teeth and gills! Pretty cool and easy to do right?! Since I had a little leftover candy melt in the bottom of my bowl I also made these “fishes in the sea”:

Under the Sea Ocean Marshmallow Treats for Kids

Just dip the end of a marshmallow into the blue candy melt and then place a Goldfish cracker into the melt and let dry! These were super cute for my toddler to eat and would be insanely simple to do for an ocean or mermaid themed party.

Under the Sea Ocean Marshmallow Treats for Kids

If you make the Goldfish marshmallow treats just serve them like this!

Here are some more of our Shark Week Posts:

No Sew Shark Plush Toy
Jello Shark Shooters
Shark Doughnut Bites
Ocean Shark Sensory Jar
Shark Ice Cubes
Shark Snack Cup
Nautical Beach Drink

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