An Epic Tale YOU Create – Interactive Storytelling comes to Netflix!

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Interactive Storytelling on Netflix

It’s no secret that Netflix is hot stuff in our household because of the price and selection but now I love it EVEN MORE! They’ve just announced Interactive Storytelling episodes that allow YOU (er – your kids) the ability to change the ending of the story! I am over the moon excited! We all love the “choose your own ending” adventure books and now it’s paired up with Netflix shows!

Check out the Storytelling Trailer:

Did you just hear my WHOOP?! I’m as excited as my kids are!
Right now you can watch Puss in Book: Trapped in an Epic Tale and coming soon (July 14) is Buddy Thunderstruck: The Maybe Pile. 
I LOVE the creativity and interaction this provides kids the ability to put themselves in the director’s chair and change the storyline! The 3rd branching narrative, Stretch Armstrong: The Breakout, is in the works, coming to Netflix next year. Sadly these are all stand alone episodes but I have a feeling we’ll be seeing a lot more creative ideas from Netflix in the near future!
These titles will be available on most TV experiences as well as iOS devices. 

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