Exclusive Q&A Interview with Brenton Thwaites – Pirates of the Caribbean

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I attended a press junket as a guest of Disney who provided my expenses.
Q & A with Brenton Thwaites as Henry in Pirates of the Caribbean
Photo credit: MomStart.com – Louise Bishop

I was pretty excited about meeting Brenton Thwaites because not only did I admire some of his previous films but his youthfulness just seeps off of him. He is so full of life and you can tell he is really enjoying this phase of his life. I joined 24 other bloggers as a guest of Disney on a special day to interview many of the main case from Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales. If you want a spoiler-free review read my post What You Need to Know About Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No TalesYou can also take a photo tour of the Red Carpet Premiere in LA!

Q & A with Brenton Thwaite:

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales exclusive image
Photo credit: Walt Disney Studios

Q: How did you land the role of Henry in Pirates of the Caribbean? 
A: “I auditioned multiple times here in LA, then met the directors. The movie got put on hold for a while so I re-auditioned over a year later. Then I met Jerry Bruckheimer.”

Q: Were you nervous about playing the role of Henry in such a big film?
A: “I feel like it was pretty easy because they provided such a back story for my character. I feel like the goal and obligation for my character has already been set.”

Q: What do you hope people will come away from this film with? 
A: “I hope the audience is entertained. It’s the kind of movie that never loses it’s drive. There’s something for everyone.”

Brenton Thwaites & Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean
Brenton Thwaites as Henry in Pirates of the Caribbean

Q: What was it like working across from the iconic Jack Sparrow?
A: “It was terrifying! It always ends in humiliation. This guy (Depp) knows so much about all of the other films.”

Q: Do you feel like they valued your input as a newcomer to the franchise?
A:Yes there were so many new characters – they really wanted to make it new and exciting.”

Q: What was it like on your first day on set?
A: “My first day on the set it had been pouring for weeks. It was a small farm town and it was covered in mud – which they used in the movie. I remember thinking I’m going to have to get some new shoes…..what a perfect way to start the movie.”

Q & A with Brenton Thwaites as Henry in Pirates of the Caribbean
Photo credit: MomStart.com – Louise Bishop

Q: Did you do any type of training for this film? 
A: “Just some sword fighting for 3 weeks and hand fighting. I had to do a little accent work.”

Q: What locations did you film at?
A: “We shot at about 5-6 different locations. St. Martins Square, the studios, Northern New South Wales Hasting Point, and Hamilton Island.”

Brenton Thwaites Pirates of the Caribbean Poster
Photo credit: Walt Disney Studios

Q: What is it like now that you are a dad acting in a film that your baby will see some day.
A: “It’s great playing for Disney because they play to the younger audiences. I can’t wait for my daughter to see Maleficient. Pirates might take a while though.”  

Q: Is there anything that you wanted to keep from the set after you were done filming? 
A: “A rowboat. I wanted to make it a veggie garden.”


Brendon Thwaites’ Costume worn in the film:Brenton Thwaites Costume in Pirates of the Caribbean

Check out the Official Trailer for Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales:


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